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Natural Behaviors Part 2 of 3

This post continues a theme started by reading Seth Godin’s blog about jerks and doormats. Being considered a “jerk” may be the opportunity we all share regardless of our natural behavioral style. Yet feeling like a doormat or being referred to as a “doormat”, I will argue, is something only some behaviors experience. Commercial: The...
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Natural Behavior Part 1 of 3

I always pay attention to what I am asked to explain, or topics that keep reoccurring in client and friend conversations, or behaviors or thoughts that pop up in me that cause me to pause and take notice. Today I read a line from Seth Godin’s about jerks and doormats at work and I knew...
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Shaping Fear or Shaping the Future?

Are you shaping fear or shaping your future? Dr. Success™ Challenge: At the beginning of each day, for the next 7 days, answer the following question: If I believed I was here to shape the future, what actions would I take today? I might not have a constructive contribution to make regarding the debate about...
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