I Love Q4 Reviews

Q4.  In the business world some people dread Q4 reviews.  I happen to love Q4 reviews.  For me, Q4 is that time of the year when I am required to look back over the preceding three quarters and see what goals I met, and what goals I missed.  The fun part for me is thinking about what I want to achieve in the upcoming year.  Hope spring eternal!

In business, you probably look at the year from both tasks accomplished and budgets met, exceeded, or blown out of the water.  Well, you can, and should, do the same activity in your personal life.

That is where habits come in – the positive ones you want to keep and grow and the negative ones you want to replace with new positive habits.   When I looked at my own business blogs yesterday I learned that I set out in June to review all four Don’t Die Principles of Personal Responsibility over the summer.  What I learned is that I managed to only review 3 of the 4!

The randomness of life is so much fun.  The DD Principle I forgot to review:

Experience is What You Get When You Don’t Get What You Want

Poetic, no?  It appears I did not want to look at what ‘experiences’ I had accumulated until the end of the year when I could immediately begin to start setting goals for the coming year.

This week I created and delivered the first class of Before Abundance:  Developing the Habits of Success.  Being true to my principle that  You Teach What You Need to Learn, I have taken on the daily habits assigned to the class.  I randomly report my accountability to a class participant each day.  The class spans a 28 day period, just the right amount of time to start the New Year with at least one good new habit of success.

In my next blog right before the Thanksgiving holiday, I will share the process I and the Before Abundance group is working.  Hopefully you will be inspired to take on the practice yourself.


Feel the spirit of the season
About the author

Andrea Goeglein is part organizational psychologist, part entrepreneur, and all about success—your success. She understands both the pressures you face and the dreams that inspire you. Andrea merges her experience as a business owner with her training in Positive Psychology to provide effective, efficient and challenging personal development products and services. She combines an emphasis on objective assessment with an approach that is always powered by your spirit and guided by your goals. Her professional development offerings are based in theory and backed by direct business knowledge.

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