[New Video] No New Goals!

by Andrea Goeglein

No new goals!  I bet you never expected to see a blog from me making that statement.  Okay, so it is a conditional statement.  The full statement is:  No new goals in December.

December in the United States has a way of adding so many additional engagements and requirements to your calendar, and as a result, vying for your attention.  It is a time when resilience fatigue is at its highest, so adding a new goal would likely doom your chances of success.  Dooming your chances of success is just not a good idea!

Now what can you do to keep from feeling your calendar has control of your life?

Review, refresh and recommit.

  1. Review your 2017 goals – not to set new ones yet or to be critical of yourself.  Focus on the gaps between where you thought you wanted to be and where you actually are.  Ask yourself:  does this goal still matter?  If so, as you enjoy all the different events of December begin to think of ways to close the gap in 2018.  Let the festivities of December seed your creative thinking.
  2. Refresh yourself.  Take a break from what you usually do and listen to an audible book as you drive from place to place – or randomly pick a new podcast.  I found one I liked so much that I recommended it to clients and bought stuff from their sponsors:  The Broad Experience.  I particularly liked Episode 115 — Putting Yourself First.
  3. Recommit to your exercise program.  One of the easiest ways to not allow the month’s activities to take away your joy, is to make sure you schedule your exercise before anything else.  Remember this term:  Do without doing and everything gets done.  Knowing you have at least exercised will help you not care so much if you miss something on your list.  Enjoy this Vblog I created with my trainer Will Campbell.  We talk everything from fitness to multiple careers – and how all things are connected.

Most of all, look back on 2017 with deep gratitude.  You learned a lot, even if the lessons were not ones you thought you signed up to take.

Feel the spirit of the season
About the author

Andrea Goeglein is part organizational psychologist, part entrepreneur, and all about success—your success. She understands both the pressures you face and the dreams that inspire you. Andrea merges her experience as a business owner with her training in Positive Psychology to provide effective, efficient and challenging personal development products and services. She combines an emphasis on objective assessment with an approach that is always powered by your spirit and guided by your goals. Her professional development offerings are based in theory and backed by direct business knowledge.

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